#!/bin/bash # by liuxiangtao #定义入参:服务器ip,工程代号 reqIP=$1 ProjCode=$2 #工程部署ip,同服务器同工程多IP reqPort="" reqPortOther="" reqFile='test.jsp' fSendAdress='test@qq.com' tAccept='test@qq.com' sSmtp='smtp.qq.com' subject='应用监控报警通知' xuSendaccount='test@qq.com' xpPasswd='password' mContent='' #cron有自己独立的环境变量,如果不引入系统变量,会导致很多功能失效,也会有编码集问题, #这是cron比较坑爹的地方,博主被这块给坑死了 source ~/.bash_profile source /etc/profile #端口工程映射关系 if [ $ProjCode == '001' ]; then reqPort='8081' urlPath='abc' ProjName='def' elif [ $ProjCode == '002' ]; then reqPort='8082' urlPath='hig' ProjName='lmn' fi #日志文件及路径定义 logDir=/home/log/monitor/$ProjName-monitor.log #入参校验 if [ ! $reqIP ]; then echo "$(date):reqIP is null ===> " >> $logDir exit 0 fi if [ ! $ProjCode ]; then echo "$(date):ProjCode is null ===> " >> $logDir exit 0 fi #特殊工程转换,经代通的工程名字与应用名字不一致,需要做转换处理jdt→wjjdt if [ $urlPath == 'jdt' ]; then urlPath="wj"$urlPath fi #目标url reqUrl="http://"$reqIP":"$reqPort"/"$urlPath"/"$reqFile dealShell=$ProjName".sh" if [ $urlPath == 'email' ]; then reqUrl2="http://"$reqIP":"$reqPortOther"/"$urlPath"/"$reqFile dealShell=email-18080.sh dealShell2=email-18081.sh fi echo -e " $(date):============$reqIP:$reqPort $ProjName start ============ " >> $logDir #请求目标url justWeb=`curl -I -m 10 -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code} $reqUrl ` echo "$(date):request url ===> " $reqUrl >> $logDir echo "$(date):request code ===> " $justWeb >> $logDir #若请求目标url返回异常状态码则重启服务 if [ ${justWeb}x != "200"x ] && [ ${justWeb}x != "302"x ]; then echo "$(date):$reqIP:$reqPort be executed shell ===>" $dealShell >> $logDir #服务重启脚本 $dealShell #服务重启状态是否成功 if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "$(date):restart status ===> success" >> $logDir mContent="老板,$reqIP:$reqPort 服务器上的$ProjName 挂了!已自动处理,可通过访问如下地址验证:$reqUrl " sendemail -f $fSendAdress -t $tAccept -s $sSmtp -u $subject -o message-content-type=html -o message-charset=utf8 -xu $xuSendaccount -xp $xpPasswd -m $mContent else echo "$(date):restart status ===> failed" >> $logDir fi fi #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ $urlPath == 'email' ]; then echo -e " $(date):============$reqIP:$reqPortOther $ProjName start ============ " >> $logDir #请求目标url justWeb2=`curl -I -m 10 -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code} $reqUrl2 ` echo "$(date):request url ===> " $reqUrl2 >> $logDir echo "$(date):request code ===> " $justWeb2 >> $logDir #若请求目标url返回异常状态码则重启服务 if [ ${justWeb2}x != "200"x ] ; then echo "$(date):$reqIP:$reqPortOther be executed shell ===> " $dealShell2 >> $logDir #服务重启脚本 $dealShell2 #服务重启状态是否成功 if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "$(date):restart status ===> success" >> $logDir mContent="老板,$reqIP:$reqPortOther 服务器上的$ProjName 挂了!已自动处理,可通过访问如下地址验证:$reqUrl " sendemail -f $fSendAdress -t $tAccept -s $sSmtp -u $subject -o message-content-type=html -o message-charset=utf8 -xu $xuSendaccount -xp $xpPasswd -m $mContent else echo "$(date):restart status ===> failed" >> $logDir fi fi fi echo "$(date):============================================================" >> $logDir

- 上一篇: sendEmail的安装
- 下一篇: 随地球去流浪